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Imagery Infocenter on holisticonline.com    (Faqs , research done)              

Guided Waking Imagery.

In this technique, devised by the psychoanalyst Leuner, the patient it taught to visualize a standard series of scenes such as a meadow, a mountain, a house, and a swamp. Later, the patient's imaginings are examined for sources of conflict, irrational beliefs, and interpersonal problems. Autogenic Abreactions.

Here the patient is asked to assume an attitude of passive acceptance toward his mental experiences. In this condition, the patient is to verbalize, without restriction, all the thoughts, feelings, and sensations that occur to him. Strong affect, often with marked emotional and facial involvement is likely to emerge. The session continues until the effective discharge has run its course. Covert Sensitization.

This technique is based on the reinforcement paradigm. It postulates that imagery processes can be modified according to the same principles that govern the modification of overt, visible behavior. In covert sensitization, the patient first imagines engaging in some behavior he wishes to change, say, an addiction. This is quickly followed by the imagining of a highly unpleasant event. Thus, the addictive behavior becomes paired with a highly aversive event and therefore is less likely to occur in the future. Covert Behavior Rehearsal.

In this method, the individual systematically visualizes the desired correct coping behavior. This technique has seen much use in sports.

  Imagery / Visualization for Healing Diseases/Conditions     (massive options)                       Imagery/Visualization for Stress

A review done at University of Pittsburgh Pain Evaluation and Treatment Institute concluded that the distraction approaches can be classified into five groups

  1. Pleasant images - Conjure up peaceful, pain-free visions.
  2. Dramatized images - Envision situations that use the pain as part of the script (for example, imagining that you are a wounded spy trying to escape your captors).


  1. Neutral images - Think of your plans for the weekend.
  2. Focusing on the environment - Instead of paying attention to your body, count the ceiling tiles or plan how to redecorate the room, etc.
  3. Rhythmic activity - Example: Counting, singing, etc.

Guided Imagery for Creating a Safe Place (not guided as in the sence of spirit guides)

Empowerment: Why Are Affirmations Important?, by Jann Bell

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